INC (pronounced ‘I-N-C’) is short for inclusion. The mission was shaped by our previous company, Able Coffee Roasters, which we started just over six years ago. Now in 2024, we’ve rebranded from Able to INC Coffee Roasters. The mission behind it is to continue to create meaningful employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities within our community and create an inclusive work environment for our staff and our families that come visit us and hang out.
Working in special education for so long, we saw that there was a large gap in employment for our students who were graduating. So when Able started, that was the goal: to create an environment with minimum wage jobs for our students who are looking for work. Between 2018 and 2023, Able Coffee Roasters created over a hundred jobs between two locations. Our staff learns skills like being a cashier, a barista, a shift lead, learning how to make food, packaging coffee, social media marketing—meaningful employment.
Over the five years operating under Able Coffee Roasters, we saw that inclusion had become a cornerstone value for the brand alongside creating an environment where staff members felt comfortable and safe. This was a major focus going forward with the rebrand, which came with updating this Huntington Beach coffee shop’s overall look and feel.
Anyone who visited Able Coffee Roasters will remember a light blue and white color palette with a puzzle piece logo—both of which INC Coffee Roasters has moved away from. Now, visitors can enjoy the shop’s new look (a chic industrial design with a black palette and warm wood accents) and an updated logo.
With INC, we rebranded from the puzzle piece to a new logo, the ampersand, which is synonymous with inclusion. The intention stems from the symbolic meaning of the ampersand—it acts as a bridge that brings two or more things together, such as coffee and friends.

Our proud coffee partners that we work with to provide our special coffee for all year round. With their on going love and support INC Coffee Roasters continues to create employment opportunities and provide high quality fresh coffee to our customers!